时间 | 演讲题目 | 演讲嘉宾及单位 |
Hai JIN, Chair/Moderator
09:00-9:10 | Welcome Remarks |
QingLin WANG China Association For Science & Technology, Deputy Director of International Affairs Depart. |
Architecture Consideration for Big Data Processing |
Hai JIN Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Professor |
09:30-9:50 | Cyber security and Cloud Computing |
Bernie Trudel Asia Cloud Computing Association, Chairman |
09:50-10:10 | Cloud, IOT and Big Data | Anirban Basu Computer Society of India(CSI), President |
10:10-10:30 | Tea Break | |
10:30-10:50 | Keynote Speech | Yunquan ZHANG Chinese Academy of Science, Professor |
10:50-11:10 | Trends in the Australian digital economy and workforce | Yohan Ramasundara Australian Computer Society, Vice President Southeast Asia regional computer Consortium, Secretary General |
11:10-11:30 | A Cloud-based Solution for Data Mining | Viktor Medvedev Vilnius University, Researcher; Lithuanian Computer Society, Leader of Cloud Computing section |
11:30-11:50 | Learning human trajectory patterns from massive transportation data in ski resorts | Boris Delibasic Professor of University of Belgrade |
11:50-14:00 | Lunch | |
Yohan Ramasundara, Co-Chair/Moderator
14:00-14:20 | Top software trends and the way they shape our future | Elena Marinova Musala Soft, president |
14:20-14:40 | Models and methods for effective decision-making in socio-economic systems | Igor Grebennik Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, UKRAINE, Professor |
14:40-15:00 | Digital Journey of Sri Lanka. | Yasas V Abeywickrama Computer Society of Sri Lanka (CSSL), President |
15:00-15:20 | Understanding City life through Data: Case of Bangladesh | Moinul Zaber Dhaka University, Associate professor Research Fellow in LIRNEasia |
15:20-15:40 | Tea Break | |
15:40-16:00 | Cloud Computing-based Liquid Benchmarking |
Ahmed Barnawi King Abdulaziz University, associate professor AB Consult, CEO |
16:20-16:40 | Challenges and Opportunities of Cloud Computing: In Context of Nepal | Manoj Shakya Kathmandu University, Assistant Professor |
16:40-17:00 | Telecommunication/ICT development in Cambodia | Bunny LENG Dean of school Telecoms and Networking, NIPTICT |
17:00-17:30 | Panel Discussion |
时间 | 演讲题目 | 演讲嘉宾及单位 |
13:00-13:30 | 签到 |
参会嘉宾 |
主持人:刘娜,DMTF中国分会秘书长,CESI高级工程师 | ||
13:30-13:35 | 致辞 |
部领导 |
13:35-13:40 | 致辞 | CESI |
13:40-13:45 | 致辞 |
13:45-14:15 | DMTF最新的标准进展 |
Jeff Hilland DMTF主席 |
14:15-14:35 | ISO\IEC JTC 1\SC 38 Cloud Computing Standards | CESI软件与评估中心云计算研究室主任、主任工程师 王志鹏 |
14:35-14:55 | ITU-T SG 13 | 中国电信股份有限公司广州研究院云计算研究所研究员 陈楠 |
阶段二:标准实践 | ||
主持人:杜晓东,DMTF 副总裁,联想资深项目经理 | ||
14:55-15:25 | Redfish的深入剖析 | DMTF主席 Jeff Hilland |
15:25-15:55 | 中国云计算标准与测评 | CESI高级工程师 陈志峰 |
15:55-16:25 | 数据中心能耗解决方案 | 联想资深项目经理 冯志雄 |
时间 | 演讲题目 | 演讲嘉宾及单位 |
13:30-14:00 | 签到 |
参会嘉宾 |
致辞 | 中国电子学会副秘书长 刘明亮 |
14:10-16:10 | 超融合技术助力IT基础架构转型 | 联想超融合首席架构师兼客户成功总监 高忠涛 |
云计算时代超融合最佳实践 |
新华三集团云计算产品部副部长 于飞 |
SmartX超融合架构在各类型企业云的客户实践与市场心得分享 | SmartX市场总监 库依楠 | |
超融合与全闪存——存储性能之道 |
华云网际创始人兼CTO 王劲凯 |
16:10-16:40 | 圆桌论坛:如何利用超融合联盟力量推进产业发展 |
超融合产业代表+知名第三方 |
16:40-17:00 | 联盟新章程发布 | 全体 |
通报新一届理事长单位改选结果 | 新老理事长单位交接 | |
通报新加入联盟成员 |